Sunday, July 15, 2007

Smart fortwo concept trailers prove fortwo will tow the line

Posted Mar 23rd 2007 9:21AM by Damon Lavrinc

In what appears to be way of addressing the lack of trunk space in the new Smart fortwo, DCX has released a few sketches showing the Smart accessorized to appeal to that overly-pursued active lifestyle consumer.The three drawings (two of which are posted after the jump) include the above boat trailer, a motorcycle hauler and a traveling living space; complete with sink, stove, storage and bed.While all are intriguing, Smart doesn't intend to build these trailers anytime soon. We certainly like the idea, but are a bit worried about getting stuck behind one on our way up to Tahoe.

See source for more sketches.

1 comment:

sale prove said...

I appreciate it very much, at least I know from it someone is reading the contents I have here.