Monday, August 15, 2005

smartcar fans "Grand Prize"

Trudi Gets a Workout: ZAP! Santa Rosa, California

Woody Allen once said, "Eighty percent of success is showing up". We are firm believers in that maxim. If you just go on chance and show up there are no expectations to be lived up to so you'll not be disappointed. It worked for us several times on our North American smartcar tour.

On July 25th we "showed up" at Zap! headquarters in Santa Rosa, California. We were still trying to negotiate with a parking meter when Zap staff rushed out to greet us - and pay for our parking! We chatted about our tour & smartcars, had a look around their showroom and exchanged contact info. They couldn't have been nicer. Director of Communications Alex Campbell wrote about our visit on ZAP!Watch on the company's website.
"When it comes to Smart Car fans, we believe these two have taken the grand prize, driving for over a month with thousands of kilometers under their belts. California is the midway point for their journey, which is taking them across the United States, up the Pacific Coast to British Columbia and back across Canada to Toronto."

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